Philip Chapman
Candidate Minister
Sunday School will be at 9:30 AM and the Church Service will be at 10:30 AM
VBS -- You're Invited
You’re Invited to a Birthday Party. When we choose Jesus, it’s like everyday becomes our Birthday.
We choose Jesus we are born again and adopted into the Jesus’ family. We become like brothers and
sisters with Jesus and God becomes our Father in Heaven. Join us this week and find out more of
what it all means.
VBS -- Christmas in July
Our VBS theme this year is Christmas in July. Join us each night of the week for games, snacks, and
learning about the true meaning of Christmas and the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Annual Church Meeting
Directly following the Service (as weather allows) we will be holding our annual meeting.
The voting will be a little different this year due to the Pandemic.
All voted positions will remain the same as last year and carry over into 2021.
If there are any questions about this, please speak with Josh or one of the Elders.
Faith Promise
Samuel Spence Assistant Camp Manager will be sharing a message with us this Sunday about how we have been able to help the camp, how we can continue to help the camp, and how the camp has been able to navigate in the face of adversity.
Faith Promise
Senior Minister Joshua Ware will be sharing stories of how missions has impacted him and how the church plays a role in missions not only around the world and the nation but our own backyards as well.
Faith Promise
Dan Franks, the Director of Development of the Christian Children's Home of Ohio will be joining us to discuss everything going on at the Children’s Home and presenting a message of how Fredericksburg Church of Christ is able to bless CCHO.
Pittsburgh PA. Trip
Departure time after Church and Return Times still being worked out.
Youth Lock-In - Canceled Tomorrow Evening
All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us for a night of pure excitement! We will begin our evening at 7pm on Friday March 8th, and we will be done at 7am on Saturday March 9th. Call the Church building for more info, to get your child registered! It’s gonna be a blast! Bring a pillow and sleeping bag, if you think you’ll need it! Snacks and games provided!